Hear and listen to the voice and words of God

Jun 10, 2023

If there is one thing I have realized in studying God’s Word and in considering and enjoying the vastness and beauty of His creation; it is God’s gracious desire to make Himself known by men.

The Bible in the beginning, God identified Himself as the Creator of the universe until finally He made man, the zenith and the peak of His creation, for whom everthing was made, all for His glory!

Never was our gracious God hesitant to reveal Himself and His will be known to men. He gave clear instuctions to Adam and Eve, including what they should do and not do. God showed His authority by speaking in His powerful voice. I could only imagine how that made everyone felt when they heard His thunderous voice that even the lighthings and the wind joined with their incredible display, giving praises and honor to our God. Oh, He also spoke with a “still, small, voice” to make us listen more and attentively.

The children of Israel were no strangers to God’s supernatural attributes. They were there during the crossing of the Red sea and the Jordan river and witnessed how God divided the water and allowed them to cross on dry ground. They saw how God protected them from their enemies and experienced God’s discipline; showing His righteous indignation that any child would be so afraid to sin again. He also poured out His unconditional love that no man could deny. They were aware of the miracles He performed. 

All these the Lord did because of His desire to be known and give humanity the priviledge of having a personal relationship with Him. One could think that since God manifested His incredible power; all God’s people should have already submitted and surrendered to His will as obedient people God wanted them to be. 

However, God’s people until today continue to disobey and be proud. But the Lord never gives up! He followed up with more instructions and with precious, gracious, and eternal promises for those who heed to enjoy. Still until today, the chosen people and His Children’s “ears are dull of hearing.”

Lesson from the WORD Himself:

Finally, God did the ultimate and the sent the most special communication in the Person of Jesus Christ, the LIVING WORD Himself.

GOD decided not to speak from heaven or through the prophets, like before but through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is God who became man. When He came down to earth in person, He began to communicate, not only in words, but in Living colors using His own LIFE. 

What Christ did was pure love and powerful, but result was the same. It is because, His “own received Him not.” But He did not give up. Someone perfect had to die for man’s sin and Jesus did all that as a perfect man for all those who believe might be saved. He finally completed His work of redemption when He rose up from the grave the third day. The greatest victory is not about the people’s responses but on the fact that Jesus Christ completed the work of Salvation by giving us His life for us and rising up again for all those who believed and will believe have eternal assurance and the willingness to serve.


Have you ever asked who is it really that God wants to listen to what He declares? 

We cannot expect the unbelievers to listen and obey for they are totally depraved and spiritually dead. We cannot blame the unsaved for they do not have the capacity and the ability to be righteous. 

We can only blame ourselves! In the Old Testament, it was the Children of Israel, the chosen people to whom the divine stewardship was given. In the New Testament, it is the Body of Christ, the empowered Church who was commanded to propagate the gospel, including all believers, called to be witnesses to point the lost to Christ. 

Mark 4:9 KJV

[9] And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Who has the ears to hear but you and me - God’s people for we have to Word of God to know and learn from and we have been given the the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truths. 

Matthew 13:16 - “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

[14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.