The Breastplate of Faith

Jun 8, 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:8 - “But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.”

One of the vital armors a soldier must wear is the breastplate. It is needed to protect the vital organs from being exposed to enemies' attacks. In Christian warfare, it represents the confidence we have through the faith of the Son of God. 

Since the heart is the most vital organ, it is the main target of attack. It is where the enemy’s eyes are cast, waiting for an opportunity to make a kill. The breastplate of faith plays an important part, not only in stopping the darts and arrows coming from the enemies. It can also blind and deflect the enemy's sight when the breastplate is clean and reflecting the light of the sun. Notice that Paul 

reminds us that we are of the day to reflect the Son!

The breastplate of faith gives us the confidence and the courage to advance without fear during the battle, knowing that God’s righteousness is working towards victory. 

There is an implication here that we ought not to be fighting alone. The words “let us” describe the participation of the whole body of Christ to fight together and reflect the righteousness of God. In love, let us encourage one another to be strong in our testimony and firm in pursuing the good fight of faith. 

In spiritual warfare, there is no retreat. It is constantly advancing to claim the victory God has already secured for us. Whatever you are going through is a fight to be won. Let us put on the breastplate of faith together. 

Our prayer for today!

Our gracious Father reminds us always to be equipped as we face our daily battles. You have given us the necessary weapons to fight, but we often neglect to put them on or are too proud to be identified with You. May we constantly reflect from our lives your imputed righteousness and experience the glorious victory in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen!