The Obedience of Faith

Apr 16, 2024

Romans 16:26-27 - “But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: 

[27] To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.”

The "obedience of faith" is a divine privilege God bestows upon those who submit to His will and serve Him. This special privilege is reserved for those who have accepted salvation and are obedient to God's desires. Unfortunately, many individuals who have been saved and assured a place in heaven are unwilling to follow in Christ's footsteps and obey His commandments. 

The obedience of faith can only be enjoyed by those willing to obey God's commands, starting with baptism, which is the first act of obedience. Understanding that faith can only be exercised through obedience to God's will is crucial.

In this epistle, Paul directs his message to the local Church in Rome, emphasizing the significance of being a part of the local body of Christ. He reminds them that their salvation and baptism mark their membership in this Church and that their faith must be expressed in obedience. 

Moreover, Paul highlights the unparalleled opportunity of bearing witness to God's grace and sharing the good news of the gospel with the world. This responsibility, he emphasizes, is a privilege granted only to the Empowered Church, and those who accept it are entrusted with a blessed mission of utmost importance.

God established the New Testament Church to equip and train all His people to experience the unparalleled power of God. This power can only be accessed by those who are willing to obey His will and commands. It is a blessed privilege reserved for those seeking to live a life of faith and obedience.

The obedience of faith is not limited to baptism. It is the starting point of a journey that will unlock countless opportunities to serve and honor God. As believers continue to trust and obey Him, more doors will open for them to explore and enjoy the privilege of serving Him. Let us praise the Lord for this incredible journey of faith!

Our Prayer for today:

"Dear Heavenly Father, I want to express my heartfelt thanks for the gift of faith. I acknowledge that I can serve You only through this enabling grace. However, I also recognize that this faith must always lead me to submit and obey You. I humbly ask for Your forgiveness for the times when I have made excuses and failed to obey You. I know it is not because I cannot do it but rather because I am not exercising the "obedience of faith." I pray that You would help me to be strong in this faith and to have the courage to obey You even when it is difficult. I trust that You will give me the strength and wisdom to follow Your will and glorify Your name. Thank You for Your love and guidance in my life. Amen."