To Live is Christ, and to Die is Gain

Jun 2, 2024

Philippians 1:21, 25-26

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 

[25] And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith; 

[26] That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again.”

The book of Philippians is a deeply meaningful exploration of the role of Christ in our lives. It delves into the significance of Christ in shaping our thoughts, serving as our ultimate purpose, providing us with inner strength, and bringing joy even in times of suffering. 

This epistle, written by Paul during his imprisonment in Rome, is not just a letter but a personal and heartfelt message with numerous applications for believers, encouraging the Philippians to live according to the faith of Christ. Let us follow his example and be encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly during times of persecution. 

It is common for Christians to encounter opposition from non-believers when living for Jesus and sharing His precious gospel. This is not unusual, as Jesus himself experienced similar treatment and warned his followers about it. Paul encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith, even amid persecution.

Philippians underscores the importance of unity and humility among all God’s people. It emphasizes that as believers, we are united with Christ and should, therefore, make every effort to be united with one another in the same spirit of humility. This is so to manifest Jesus only and not ourselves.

Throughout Paul's letter, he emphasizes the themes of "joy and rejoicing." He expresses joy in the proclamation of Christ (Philippians 1:8) in the midst of persecution (2:18). He encourages others to find joy in the Lord (3:1). Additionally, he affectionately refers to the Philippian brothers as his "joy and crown" (4:1). His message culminates in the appeal for believers to "Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say Rejoice" (4:4-7).

As believers, we can rejoice and experience the peace of God by casting all our cares on Him, “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let [our] requests be made known to God” (4:6). Paul’s joy despite persecution and imprisonment, comes shining through this epistle. We are promised the same joy he experienced when we center our thoughts on the Lord (Philippians 4:8).

The life of Jesus Christ brings immense joy and fulfillment to those who embrace Him. According to Apostle Paul, choosing to live in Christ and reflect His teachings daily leads to a gain in death. This gain is not solely due to the promise of heaven, as salvation ensures entry to heaven regardless of faithfulness. 

However, for those who are found faithful, there will be additional blessings and eternal rewards. It's genuinely a thought-provoking concept - will we gain more in death as promised by God? Let's strive to live in and for Christ today!

Our Prayer for today:

Our Father, the promise of heaven is a wonderful enough blessing for all your children to have eternal joy. But you have more to bless us with for your glory. May we all seek to live your life and manifest You in all we do. We want the eternal gain not for ourselves but to give You back the glory You deserve. Thank you for this eternal blessing. In Jesus name, Amen!