God wants His best in each of us
This verse is one of the most quoted passages being shared today. It talks about the faithfulness of Jehovah God to His chosen people during the Babylonian captivity, which includes the wonderful promise of their restoration after the 70 years in Babylon.
God’s faithfulness and promise in this particular passage was not towards the faithful and righteous nation. It was a declaration of His mercy and grace to the guilty and underserving. God’s chosen people were taken captive because of their sins against God; such as spiritual adultery and idolatry. They were taken captive as a chastisement for their sins.
When we look deeper and consider the context in this passage, we can find the justice of God and we can see that He provides assurance and comfort not only to the faithful and obedient people. He also gives assurance and comfort despite the unfaithfulness and sinfulness of His people.
This wonderful and gracious character of God is important for us to consider because many people in this world today see God as vindictive; only waiting for us to sin and immediately pronounces judgment. This verse shows that it is far from the truth. God’s justice and grace see no color, and no status. He does not only favor the righteous people for it is not about our own righteousness, but God’s righteousness.
“I know the thoughts…”
God tells His people, including us today that He is always mindful of His thoughts about us. It means that even before the foundation of this world and before the time we were born, He knew us and He has already defined a purpose for each of us. Because God’s plan is perfect, our Great God will never allow anyone and anything; including sin to defeat and hinder His intended purpose in us. Yes, as humans; we will always commit sin and we will suffer the consequences of our sins; but our sins could not turn God’s plan for you and me become ineffective and unfilled.
“…I think toward you…”
This reveals that God’s people are always and constantly in His mind. God is so unlike us that when someone does evil against us; we forget all about that person’s goodness and only remembers this one evil act. We allow that single mistake to erase everything from our memories; so that our minds are focused on bitterness, anxiety, unforgiveness, and vindictiveness.
That is not so with our Lord God; yes His justice demands discipline, but His discipline is not to punish us, His children but to teach and guide us. It is an act of grace and a work of His unconditional love. He does it to give opportunity to the guilty but repentant to change and to start all over again.
With God, our guiltiness does not erase our goodness. It is because His approach to our mistakes is all for our own good. (Romans 8:28)
It is amazing that when the Lord looks at you and me, He chooses not to look at our sins because He gave His Son to cover our sins with His shed blood. All our sins as God’s children are completely covered by the precious and powerful blood of Jesus Christ. We are totally forgiven.
When God forgives, it is complete. Once we are forgiven, He makes the choice of not remembering our sins any more. The Bible describes it “as far as the east is from the west, I will remember your sins no more.” In His mind only rests His intended perfect, righteous plan and purpose in our lives.
His intended purpose is not temporary. It goes beyond this life. It is a plan and purpose that give peace that passeth all understanding. There is no evil intent in His purpose. As sinners saved by gace, we oftimes may choose to take the “broadway” but God will always take us back to the His “narrow and perfect way.”
“…expected end”
God’s desire is to completely fulfill His expected end in our lives. He promised to fulfill all His desires in each of is. What a blessing! God knows that if He allows us to pursue our life’s purpose; it is selfish, worldly, temporal, and self-serving. He will make sure that in the final countdown and at the end of the day, His perfect plan and will in us are fulfilled.
It is a blessing to know with confidence that everytime we obey God and live according to His righteousness, He is pleased and He blesses completely.
It is a also incredibly amazing and a blessing that despite our mistakes and our unfaithfulness; He continuous to think of what is best for you and me. He does not only think of what is best for us; He also makes sure that what is best for us is fulfilled. For God is always glorified and magnified everytime He fulfills what is best in each of us.
Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
[5] Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
[6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.