Love God and Not the World

Mar 14, 2024

I John 2:15 - “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

This verse encourages us to focus on spiritual values rather than worldly desires. It reminds us to prioritize our relationship with God over material possessions and earthly pursuits. In this passage, John tells us not to love the world, for in doing so,the love of the Father is not in us. This may seems contradictory to one of the most fundamental teachings of Christianity, which is to love others, and to even enjoy God’s creation. Yet, let’s understand that when John speaks of the the world, he doesn’t use the world in terms of the people (unlike his statement in John 3:16) or even the creation, but rather, he refers to the principalities and power of this world, the object of this world which pulls men in and lead them away from God. 


As D. L Moody has said, “ …the world has no charms for me when I look up, but the trouble with God’s children is they do not look enough.” Moody emphasized that Christians should live in the world, but they should not be filled with it. Just like a ship lives in water but sinks if water gets inside. Believers may live in the world, but they should guard against worldly influences and distractions.


Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” And the result of loving this world is as what John the Beloved described here, which only turn and take us away from God. The lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, the material pull that takes our time and attention from Him, the fleshy desire that brings and seek self gratification. Just like the pursuits of wealth, possessions, and material comforts that can consume our attention. When we prioritize material gains over spiritual growth; we may lose sight of our deeper purpose.


The pride of life, which leads us to be gods of our own self, when there is no need for a higher being to bend the knee, worship and obey; or when our ego seeks validation, recognition, and superiority. When we become overly self-centered or prideful, we distance ourselves from humility and the recognition of the higher power. When our strong desires and attachments to sensory pleasures, entertainments, relationships with superficial experiences, or achievements predominate, all can lead us to the material world’s hedonistic pursuits. These attachments can prevent us from seeking a higher understanding or connecting with God.


These are all what the world offers, yet at the end, it only brings disappointment, heartbreaks and destruction. Just look at where we are in our society now, people are more divided and miserable than ever. Because the world’s trend has taken over the minds of many people. Therefore, as believers we ought to stand firm in the truth of God and His word. Not loving the world is a step closer in being strong in our faith. 


Loving God involves our whole being - heart, soul, mind and strength. The heart represents wholehearted devotions - it’s the center of our emotions, desires, motivations and behavior. It’s a response to His love for us and it transforms every facet of our existence. Loving God with all our soul encompasses our inner self, our thoughts, and our deeper reflections. Let us love God by nurturing our spiritual life, meditating on His Word, and seeking Him wholeheartedly. Loving God with all our mind means integrating our faith with knowledge and understanding, seeking His wisdom and using our intellect to honor Him. It doesn’t require abandoning reason, but rather aligning with God’s truth.


We can’t love God fully in our strength. We must depend on the Holy Spirit to cultivate His love within us by praying and serving Him joyfully. We use and give our time, talents and resources. We also serve others and doing all of these these things glorify God.


So, let us remember that loving God is an ongoing and engaging journey. Let us choose to love God daily and let our actions reflect that love. 


Our Prayer for Today:


Our Heavenly Father, today we ask You to help us not to love the world and be carried away by its lust of the flesh, eyes, and the pride of life. Guide us to look up and seek You that we may stand strong in Your truth, love, and grace. Thank you for the power in Christ Jesus to overcome this world. We pray that You lead us always to cling to Your power and and abide in truth. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.