May 15, 2024

Isaiah 43:2

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

These are God’s gracious words to the nation of Israel. What vivid pictures of God’s protection in trials!

Deep waters can be frightening. There’s an awesome power to water—whether it is a still lake or a restless ocean. In deep waters we have very little strength. When we face a painful trial, we can feel as if we’re alone in the ocean with no rescue in sight, ready to give up. Then there are rivers of difficulty, perhaps not deep but moving with swift currents. Sometimes the difficulty threatens to sweep us away and smash us on the rocks below. We cannot swim against it. The fight seems useless.

As frightening as water is, fire is even more so. A tiny spark flashes into a huge conflagration, and nothing will stop it.

Humanly speaking, we have no hope in these situations. But with God, we have an option—to trust him. God promises to be with us in the deep waters of great trouble—in the rivers of difficulty and the fire of oppression. 


• When you face deep waters of trouble, rivers of difficulty or fires of oppression, I will go with you. You will not be harmed.


Heavenly Father, I feel up to my neck in deep waters and don’t know how to get out. I need your strong hand. Please protect and guide me through this trial. Amen.