Jan 24, 2024

The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Deuteronomy 29:29

When tragedy strikes, we are quick to look heavenward and ask, “Why?”

Perhaps this reaction reflects a deep-seated belief that God really is in control of all things. Or maybe in our grief and anger we’re just looking for someone to blame.

Whatever the reason(s) for our questioning, God apparently does not feel the least bit obligated to explain the cosmic purposes for our pain. C. S. Lewis, in his classic little book A Grief Observed, reported that following the death of his wife, he knocked on heaven’s door, so to speak, only to hear the sounds of God bolting the lock from the inside. Then? Silence. Nothing.

You may never get satisfactory answers for why you are suffering. And even a detailed explanation might not satisfy. Head knowledge cannot soothe heart pain.

The thing is, God is sovereign. He may choose not to answer “why.” But he does hear our cries for help and promises to encourage us (see Psalm 10:17).


• I am in control.

• I may not tell you why you suffer.

• I will comfort you when you do.


Lord, I may never know the reasons for my trouble. But I must know your comfort. Heavenly Father, I don’t need answers, but I do need you! Amen.